Google Chrome
Close all open Chrome tabs and windows
Right click your Chrome shortcut (the one you use to open the browser), select Properties
In the Target window, move your cursor to the end of the path, after chrome.exe
Type --disk-cache-dir="E:\BrowserCache" (it might be D: or F: or...) Make sure there is no trailing slash
Click OK
Click the shortcut to launch Chrome
- Advanced Format Drives
Advanced Format describes a new standard in the hard drive industry that changes the way information is stored and organized on a the disk
Advanced Format drives incorporate several changes to optimize the actual data structure on the hard drive, including increasing the physical sector size from 512 bytes to a more efficient 4096 byte (4K) sector size. In order to ease the transition, current Advanced Format drives will continue to provide 512-byte emulation (512e) at the drive interface to provide backwards compatibility with legacy applications
- Hitachi Align Tool
Most modern operating systems have been designed to work efficiently with Advanced Format drives. For optimum performance, it is important to ensure that the drive is partitioned correctly and that data is written in 4K blocks by both the operating system, and the application. Modern operating systems handle this automatically. When using Advanced Format drives in legacy environments, special tools may be required to optimize read/write performance and keep the data sectors aligned. Hitachi provides an alignment tool for this purpose. Answer a few simple questions above to determine if you will need to download and use the Hitachi Align Tool to obtain performance from your Advanced Format Hitachi hard drives.