ทราบว่า Q9550, Q9450, and Q9300 processors เลื่อนจาก ภายในมค.เป็นภายในไตรมาส1
["The 45nm Core 2 Quad launch is planned for Q1'08,]
เนื่องจากปัญหากับเมนบอร์ดที่ใช้ P35
[Actually, there appears to be a more practical reason behind the delay, according to reports. Sources at Taiwan motherboard manufacturers are citing problems with the front-side bus (FSB) on certain boards that would use the Yorkfield non-Extreme processors. More specifically, mass-market four-layer boards, such as some P35-based boards, may have "noise" and stability issues, according to PC Watch which cited Taiwan motherboard vendors.]
["The 45nm Core 2 Quad launch is planned for Q1'08,]
เนื่องจากปัญหากับเมนบอร์ดที่ใช้ P35
[Actually, there appears to be a more practical reason behind the delay, according to reports. Sources at Taiwan motherboard manufacturers are citing problems with the front-side bus (FSB) on certain boards that would use the Yorkfield non-Extreme processors. More specifically, mass-market four-layer boards, such as some P35-based boards, may have "noise" and stability issues, according to PC Watch which cited Taiwan motherboard vendors.]