GTX 260 drops to 199
GTX280 to 319
Nvidia is giving ATI no quarter and dropping GTX280 prices as a traditional sign of welcome for the new Canuck high-end cards.
As of this morning you can get a reference GTX260 for 199 or a reference GTX280 for 319. The cards launched at 349 and 499 respectively, so the GTX260 dropped 150, while the GTX280 is down 180 in two months. This is not something early birds will like, but at least the new prices are much more appealing, especially when it comes to the GTX260.
ATI AIBs are selling the new HD4870 X2 around the 400 mark, but bear in mind that it outperforms the GTX280. The really interesting showdown comes with the DDR3 version, or HD4850 X2, as we're expecting the cheapest models to retail just under 300.
GTX280 to 319
Nvidia is giving ATI no quarter and dropping GTX280 prices as a traditional sign of welcome for the new Canuck high-end cards.
As of this morning you can get a reference GTX260 for 199 or a reference GTX280 for 319. The cards launched at 349 and 499 respectively, so the GTX260 dropped 150, while the GTX280 is down 180 in two months. This is not something early birds will like, but at least the new prices are much more appealing, especially when it comes to the GTX260.
ATI AIBs are selling the new HD4870 X2 around the 400 mark, but bear in mind that it outperforms the GTX280. The really interesting showdown comes with the DDR3 version, or HD4850 X2, as we're expecting the cheapest models to retail just under 300.