I can not typing in Thai na krub.
I have big problems regarding Flash Speed 200%, before I'm using it my internet was too slow (I'm using LAN Network in my hotel) but when I tried to ping to my PC TTL=128 it is normal.
But after I'm using this program it was changed TTL for myself is 32. And another computer in my network can not reach my computer, e.g. Server can not PING to my computer (Timeout). But I can PING to another computer no problem.
So I tried to fix it, Uninstall this program but configuration is still there another computer cannot reach my computer.
So I tried to delete REGEDIT for MAXMTU, GLOBALTCPWINDOWSIZE, DefaultTTL, and *recv*
In [HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Tcpip\Paramitters]
After than I can ping myself TTL=128 again but another computer still can not be reached to my computer.
I guess it still another configured should have beed removed or setted.
Could you please advise? Now my internet connection is ok but I can not play online game from Thailand it is very very very slow.
I can not typing in Thai na krub.
I have big problems regarding Flash Speed 200%, before I'm using it my internet was too slow (I'm using LAN Network in my hotel) but when I tried to ping to my PC TTL=128 it is normal.
But after I'm using this program it was changed TTL for myself is 32. And another computer in my network can not reach my computer, e.g. Server can not PING to my computer (Timeout). But I can PING to another computer no problem.
So I tried to fix it, Uninstall this program but configuration is still there another computer cannot reach my computer.
So I tried to delete REGEDIT for MAXMTU, GLOBALTCPWINDOWSIZE, DefaultTTL, and *recv*
In [HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Tcpip\Paramitters]
After than I can ping myself TTL=128 again but another computer still can not be reached to my computer.
I guess it still another configured should have beed removed or setted.
Could you please advise? Now my internet connection is ok but I can not play online game from Thailand it is very very very slow.