ntel® SGX
To mitigate the potential exploits of Load Value Injection (LVI) on platforms and applications utilizing Intel® SGX, Intel is releasing updates to the SGX Platform Software (PSW) and SDK starting today. The Intel® SGX SDK includes guidance on how to mitigate LVI for Intel® SGX application developers. Intel has likewise worked with our industry partners to make application compiler options available and will conduct an SGX TCB Recovery. Refer to Intel® SGX Attestation Technical Details for more information on SGX TCB Recovery.
Intel recommends the following steps:
Impacted system users:
Ensure the latest Intel SGX PSW or above for Windows* and or above for Linux is installed
SGX Application Providers:
Review the technical details provided here and follow the recommendation.
Intel is releasing an SGX SDK update to assist the SGX application provider in updating their enclave code. To apply the mitigation, SDK version or above for Windows* and or above for Linux should be used.
Increase the Security Version Number (ISVSVN) of the enclave application to reflect that these modifications are in place.
For solutions that utilize Remote Attestation, refer to the Intel® SGX Attestation Technical Details to determine if you need to implement changes to your SGX application for the purpose of SGX attestation.