Heroic Victory:ชนะแบบหล่อ - จากการรบกันด้วยทหารจำนวนมาก โดยที่เราเสียหายน้อยกว่า
Decisive Victory: ชนะแบบชี้ขาด/ขาดลอย - คล้ายอันบนแต่จากประสบการณ์จะเป็นการรบกันโดยที่กำลังทหารแตกต่างอย่างเห็นได้ชัด หรืออีกฝ่ายไม่สามารถสู้เราได้เลย
Costly/Close/Pyrrhic Victory: ชนะแบบเจ็บปวด - รบชนะแต่กองทัพเราได้รับความเสียหายอย่างมาก
Close Defeat: แพ้ไปเฉียวฉิว - คล้ายกันกับชนะแบบเจ็บปวดแต่แค่เราแพ้เท่านั้นเอง คือ ถึงเราจะแพ้แต่ฝ่ายชนะก็เจ็บหนักเสียหายมากพอๆ กัน
Crushing Defeat: แพ้แบบเละเทะ - อาจจะสูญสลายหายทั้งกองทัพหรือ แพ้แบบกองทัพเสียหายมากไม่สามารถทำการรบต่อได้ในการต่อสู้ครั้งต่อไป
Trait Gained
Heart-Sick> -1 morale for this general and his bodyguard. Some losses pierce the soul, and turn the mind.
1)Daimyo dying of old age caused his son, brother of new daimyo to gain this trait.
2)hostage killed, Daimyo gained this trait.
3)daimyo dies, one of his brothers gains this trait
Summer Son> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. The pure light of the heavens shines in this man's every movement.
If your Daimyo has the summer son trait you also get Blessing of Amaterasu every summer season +1 happiness across all provinces/+1 morale for all troops
1)Daimyo wins 3 consecutive land battles in the summer season
An Eye For The Ladies> -1% to campaign movement range for all unit's under this man's command. Women are a pleasure in life.
1)After a few turns of garrisoning in a castletown with a Sake Den
2) Stationing your general in a castletown where you're building up the stealth chain of buildings
Womaniser> -2% campaign movement range for all units under this man's command. Women! What other pleasure compares.
upgrade of An Eye For The Ladies
1)General garrisoning in a castletown with a Sake Den
2)more time spent in a castletown where you're building up the stealth chain of buildings
Devoted> +1 to this general's loyalty. For this man, the clan is all.
1) Possibly A general of some importance a commissioner perhaps
2) possibly high ranking general
3) possibly generals recruited early in the campaign
4) possibly general that maintains high honour and/or controls a large army
5) doesn't have to be active at the time the trait is gained
Needs more testing and verification
Loyal> +2 to this general's loyalty. Even by the code of bushido, this man has noteworthy loyalty.
upgrade of devoted 1)
Likes His Food> -1% campaign movement range. This man seldom misses a meal, whether invited or not.
1) General garrisoning in a castletown with rice exchange or higher market building?
Brave> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. This man has a reputation for going into harm's way
1)A few auto resolved battles, possibly based on decisive victory and number of kills
Courageous> +2 morale for all units under this man's command. This man's name is a byword for honest courage in battle.
upgrade of brave trait
1)possibly related to experience gained by the general during a battle.
2)possibly based on decisive victory and number of kills during a battle.
Heroic> +3 morale for all units under this man's command. This man is a god of battles.
upgrade of courageous trait
1)possibly related to experience gained by the general during a battle.
2)possibly based on decisive victory and number of kills during a battle.
War Is Slaughter>Instills fear in enemy units(Reduces Morale). A little killing is part of warfare.
1) Could be from huge losses on both sides in a battle
2) general defended castletown against fairly even odds auto resolved high losses on both sides(pyrrhic victory)
Bloodthirsty> Instills fear in enemy units(Reduces Morale). A lot of killing saves work later.
Unfair>+1 to repression in this province. I am the exemplar of justice. Say different again, and you lose your tongue!
Casually Brutal> +1 to repression in this province. crucifixion. A most excellent lesson.
Suspi-cious> +1 to repression in this province/-5% to chance of assassination. Trust is no longer in this man's nature.
True Believer> Converts provinces in which this man is located to the clan religion(+1 religious zeal). The blades edge marks a line of salvation.
1) Ikko Ikki
Fanatic> Converts provinces in which this man is located to the clan religion(+2 religious zeal). The fire of faith tempers the sword of the soul.
Impolite> -20 to diplomatic relations. No No No.
1) loss of honor due to allies declaring war on other allies
Peacable> +10 to diplomatic relations. Without peace, men cannot live harmoniously
1) Playing Oda declared peace with Saito got this trait. In other words sometimes when you
get peace with a clan you've been at war with for a while.
2) Sometimes when the AI asks for peace and you agree.
Lucky> -2% to the chance of assassination. A lucky escape is a good omen.
Guardian Spirit> -5% to the chance of assassination. Someone, or something, watches over this man.
Distrustful> -5% to the chance of assassination. When you wake up with a knife at your throat, some suspi-cions are justified.
Protected By The Spirits> -10% to the chance of assassination. I am protected. I will always be protected.
Night Fighter> Enables night battles. Darkness holds no terrors.
1) Hattori generals
Enjoys A Drink> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. There's nothing wrong with one sip of sake.
Self Centred> +1 melee attack for this general and his bodyguard. Always dutiful, but aware of his own needs and desires.
Fond Of Gold> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. If it can be found, it can be liberated
1) Looting with a high amount of Koku acquired (possibly 10,000 or more)
2) After my Daimyo looted 6 times(high Koku looting)
Agents trait gained
Delight In Killing>+3% to assassination success chance. Killing is one thing, but this killer drools as he works
1) Many assassinations
Brutal Streak>
1)5/6 star and almost exclusively an assassin.
Vicious> +1 to cunning when apprehending. I am a most fortunate man I enjoy hurting people to get at the truth
1) I was doing a lot of apprehending and bribing armies I'm not sure which triggered it?
Additions, verifications and corrections needed. please submit new traits gained so I can add them to the list.
If you have a general with a trait then please right click the general and hover over the green symbol and tell me what information it's showing.
Credits: http://forums.totalwar.com/showthrea...t-Gained-Guide
เกี่ยวกับ Honnor ของไดเมียวเคยเขียนไว้อยู่ราวๆ หน้า 1 ครับ ถ้าเอารายละเอียดก็ตามนี้เลย
+ Honor จะมีได้เฉพาะไดเมียวเท่านั้นจะมีผลให้ + - ความสัมพันธ์ทางการฑูต ความภักดีต่อแม่ทัพ ความสงบสุขของเมือง
+ Loyalty จะมีได้เฉพาะแม่ทัพ, พี่น้องไดเมียวที่เป็นแม่ทัพเท่านั้นจะมีผลให้ ลดโอกาสโดนเปลี่ยนฝ่ายโดย Agent ของฝ่ายตรงข้าม และไม่ทำให้แม่ทัพกบฎซะเอง (ปรกติถ้า Loyalty เป็น 0 เกมส์มันจะมี event ให้ seppuku อยู่แล้วและถ้าไม่ทำให้ Honor เพิ่มขึ้นเดี๋ยวสักพักมันจะเปลี่ยนเป็นกองทหารกบฎมาไล่ตีเราเอง )
What causes a negative to your honour
Betrayed Alliances -1(Max -3)>attacking ally
Terrible losses -1 or -2(max -3)>Daimyo withdraws from battle without engaging might need comparable sized force (crushing defeat)
Looting -1(max -2)>looting castletowns
Christian Daimyo -2>Converting to christianity
Your future christian Daimyos -1>The Daimyo that converted dies, new Daimyos gets this
Descent Into Bankruptcy -1(Max -3 temporary while bankrupt)>Allowing your treasury to hit 0 with negative income
Empty Threats -1(Max -3)>If you threaten to attack another clan through the diplomacy window and fail to attack them within a year you will get this
what causes a positive to your honour
Honourable +1(Max +2)>Learning honourable in your Daimyo's skill tree
Tea Ceremony +1 honour/+10 to diplomatic relations>learn Tea Ceremony in the Chi Arts
Vassal +1 (Max +1 permanent for current Daimyo)>Convincing another clan to become your vassal.
Great victories +1>Daimyo winning a heroic victory
Polite Wife +1>Married to Daimyo
Rumors of Treason +1>If one of your general's loyalty drops low enough you might get the event to have him commit seppuku
The Misfortune Of Others +1>An event message will come up telling about another clan that has had a terrible harvest. If you choose to assist it costs -2500 from your treasury
Chinese Courtier +1 honour/+10 to diplomacy>Daimyo retainer
Meijin +1 honour/+1 command attacking on land>Daimyo retainer
Legendary Tea Master +1>Daimyo retainer
Yokozuna +1>Daimyo retainer
Haiku Poet +1>Daimyo retainer
Master Potter +1>Daimyo retainer
Negative loyalty factors
Upstart Sons -1>adopting a general, any existing sons get this
Upstart Generals -1(Max?)>recruit a new general prior recruited generals get this
Commission given to subordinate -1>granting a commission to a general, prior recruited generals without commissions get this.
Disinherited -1 to -3(Max -3)>switching your clan heir the original heir gets this.
Delusions of Grandeur -1 to -3(Max -3)>A general that is higher rank then your Daimyo(perhaps by a couple ranks)
Stripped of Commission -1>removing a commission you had previously given
Disloyal Tendencies -1>A general bribed over to your side will have this
Ambitious Wife -1>Married to General
Ambitious Mistress -1 loyalty/+1 command when attacking on land>Retainer
Over ambitious Mistress -1 loyalty/+5% to campaign movement range>Retainer
Positive loyalty factors
Polite wife +1>Married to general
Devoted +1>Trait gained
Loyal +1>Trait gained
Fanatically Loyal +1>Trait gained
Noh +1 loyalty for all generals>Learn Chi Art Noh
Commission +1>Granting a commission to one of your generals
Honourable +1(Max +2)>Learning honourable in your general's skill tree
Overseen by Metsuke +1(Max +3 if overseen by 3 metsuke) >Having a metsuke with your general outside of castletown
Adopted +1>adopting a general
Daimyo Honour +1(Max 4)>For every Daimyo honour above 2 your general gets this
Married Into Family +1>General marries Daimyos daughter
Bunraku Puppeteer +1>Retainer
Master Calligrapher +1>Retainer
Okamoto Kutushiro +1 loyalty/-1% to attrition losses>Retainer
Shimada Kumbei +1 loyalty/-1% to attrition losses>Retainer
Tips for getting loyalty:
Always use your generals in battles. Aside from the obvious benefits in battle, they gain experience for every victory, whether it was a tough battle or an easy auto-resolve. Even better, fight every battle using up to four separate generals in separate armies. Additional generals within the same army will gain much smaller experience; having them all separate gives each general 15XP. They all level up much faster.
In such circumstances, you will have both your starting general and daimyo getting maxed stars in as short as 50 turns.
After defeating armies leave a fraction of the routers to retreat so they can be finished them off via an easy auto-resolve which also gives 15XP. Two victories for every major army.
Generals have a skill tree that grants additional loyalty bonus. This goes on top of potential retainers along with your Daimyo honour.
Place generals into ships and let them fight battles. If you don't want them to get naval retainers, move them back on land once they are about one battle away from gaining a new level.
Heroic Victory:ชนะแบบหล่อ - จากการรบกันด้วยทหารจำนวนมาก โดยที่เราเสียหายน้อยกว่า
Decisive Victory: ชนะแบบชี้ขาด/ขาดลอย - คล้ายอันบนแต่จากประสบการณ์จะเป็นการรบกันโดยที่กำลังทหารแตกต่างอย่างเห็นได้ชัด หรืออีกฝ่ายไม่สามารถสู้เราได้เลย
Costly/Close/Pyrrhic Victory: ชนะแบบเจ็บปวด - รบชนะแต่กองทัพเราได้รับความเสียหายอย่างมาก
Close Defeat: แพ้ไปเฉียวฉิว - คล้ายกันกับชนะแบบเจ็บปวดแต่แค่เราแพ้เท่านั้นเอง คือ ถึงเราจะแพ้แต่ฝ่ายชนะก็เจ็บหนักเสียหายมากพอๆ กัน
Crushing Defeat: แพ้แบบเละเทะ - อาจจะสูญสลายหายทั้งกองทัพหรือ แพ้แบบกองทัพเสียหายมากไม่สามารถทำการรบต่อได้ในการต่อสู้ครั้งต่อไป
Originally posted by haruoo
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Heart-Sick> -1 morale for this general and his bodyguard. Some losses pierce the soul, and turn the mind.
1)Daimyo dying of old age caused his son, brother of new daimyo to gain this trait.
2)hostage killed, Daimyo gained this trait.
3)daimyo dies, one of his brothers gains this trait
Summer Son> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. The pure light of the heavens shines in this man's every movement.
If your Daimyo has the summer son trait you also get Blessing of Amaterasu every summer season +1 happiness across all provinces/+1 morale for all troops
1)Daimyo wins 3 consecutive land battles in the summer season
An Eye For The Ladies> -1% to campaign movement range for all unit's under this man's command. Women are a pleasure in life.
1)After a few turns of garrisoning in a castletown with a Sake Den
2) Stationing your general in a castletown where you're building up the stealth chain of buildings
Womaniser> -2% campaign movement range for all units under this man's command. Women! What other pleasure compares.
upgrade of An Eye For The Ladies
1)General garrisoning in a castletown with a Sake Den
2)more time spent in a castletown where you're building up the stealth chain of buildings
Devoted> +1 to this general's loyalty. For this man, the clan is all.
1) Possibly A general of some importance a commissioner perhaps
2) possibly high ranking general
3) possibly generals recruited early in the campaign
4) possibly general that maintains high honour and/or controls a large army
5) doesn't have to be active at the time the trait is gained
Needs more testing and verification
Loyal> +2 to this general's loyalty. Even by the code of bushido, this man has noteworthy loyalty.
upgrade of devoted 1)
Likes His Food> -1% campaign movement range. This man seldom misses a meal, whether invited or not.
1) General garrisoning in a castletown with rice exchange or higher market building?
Brave> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. This man has a reputation for going into harm's way
1)A few auto resolved battles, possibly based on decisive victory and number of kills
Courageous> +2 morale for all units under this man's command. This man's name is a byword for honest courage in battle.
upgrade of brave trait
1)possibly related to experience gained by the general during a battle.
2)possibly based on decisive victory and number of kills during a battle.
Heroic> +3 morale for all units under this man's command. This man is a god of battles.
upgrade of courageous trait
1)possibly related to experience gained by the general during a battle.
2)possibly based on decisive victory and number of kills during a battle.
War Is Slaughter>Instills fear in enemy units(Reduces Morale). A little killing is part of warfare.
1) Could be from huge losses on both sides in a battle
2) general defended castletown against fairly even odds auto resolved high losses on both sides(pyrrhic victory)
Bloodthirsty> Instills fear in enemy units(Reduces Morale). A lot of killing saves work later.
Unfair>+1 to repression in this province. I am the exemplar of justice. Say different again, and you lose your tongue!
Casually Brutal> +1 to repression in this province. crucifixion. A most excellent lesson.
Suspi-cious> +1 to repression in this province/-5% to chance of assassination. Trust is no longer in this man's nature.
True Believer> Converts provinces in which this man is located to the clan religion(+1 religious zeal). The blades edge marks a line of salvation.
1) Ikko Ikki
Fanatic> Converts provinces in which this man is located to the clan religion(+2 religious zeal). The fire of faith tempers the sword of the soul.
Impolite> -20 to diplomatic relations. No No No.
1) loss of honor due to allies declaring war on other allies
Peacable> +10 to diplomatic relations. Without peace, men cannot live harmoniously
1) Playing Oda declared peace with Saito got this trait. In other words sometimes when you
get peace with a clan you've been at war with for a while.
2) Sometimes when the AI asks for peace and you agree.
Lucky> -2% to the chance of assassination. A lucky escape is a good omen.
Guardian Spirit> -5% to the chance of assassination. Someone, or something, watches over this man.
Distrustful> -5% to the chance of assassination. When you wake up with a knife at your throat, some suspi-cions are justified.
Protected By The Spirits> -10% to the chance of assassination. I am protected. I will always be protected.
Night Fighter> Enables night battles. Darkness holds no terrors.
1) Hattori generals
Enjoys A Drink> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. There's nothing wrong with one sip of sake.
Self Centred> +1 melee attack for this general and his bodyguard. Always dutiful, but aware of his own needs and desires.
Fond Of Gold> +1 morale for all units under this man's command. If it can be found, it can be liberated
1) Looting with a high amount of Koku acquired (possibly 10,000 or more)
2) After my Daimyo looted 6 times(high Koku looting)
Agents trait gained
Delight In Killing>+3% to assassination success chance. Killing is one thing, but this killer drools as he works
1) Many assassinations
Brutal Streak>
1)5/6 star and almost exclusively an assassin.
Vicious> +1 to cunning when apprehending. I am a most fortunate man I enjoy hurting people to get at the truth
1) I was doing a lot of apprehending and bribing armies I'm not sure which triggered it?
Additions, verifications and corrections needed. please submit new traits gained so I can add them to the list.
If you have a general with a trait then please right click the general and hover over the green symbol and tell me what information it's showing.
Credits: http://forums.totalwar.com/showthrea...t-Gained-Guide
เกี่ยวกับ Honnor ของไดเมียวเคยเขียนไว้อยู่ราวๆ หน้า 1 ครับ ถ้าเอารายละเอียดก็ตามนี้เลย
+ Honor จะมีได้เฉพาะไดเมียวเท่านั้นจะมีผลให้ + - ความสัมพันธ์ทางการฑูต ความภักดีต่อแม่ทัพ ความสงบสุขของเมือง
+ Loyalty จะมีได้เฉพาะแม่ทัพ, พี่น้องไดเมียวที่เป็นแม่ทัพเท่านั้นจะมีผลให้ ลดโอกาสโดนเปลี่ยนฝ่ายโดย Agent ของฝ่ายตรงข้าม และไม่ทำให้แม่ทัพกบฎซะเอง (ปรกติถ้า Loyalty เป็น 0 เกมส์มันจะมี event ให้ seppuku อยู่แล้วและถ้าไม่ทำให้ Honor เพิ่มขึ้นเดี๋ยวสักพักมันจะเปลี่ยนเป็นกองทหารกบฎมาไล่ตีเราเอง )
What causes a negative to your honour
Betrayed Alliances -1(Max -3)>attacking ally
Terrible losses -1 or -2(max -3)>Daimyo withdraws from battle without engaging might need comparable sized force (crushing defeat)
Looting -1(max -2)>looting castletowns
Christian Daimyo -2>Converting to christianity
Your future christian Daimyos -1>The Daimyo that converted dies, new Daimyos gets this
Descent Into Bankruptcy -1(Max -3 temporary while bankrupt)>Allowing your treasury to hit 0 with negative income
Empty Threats -1(Max -3)>If you threaten to attack another clan through the diplomacy window and fail to attack them within a year you will get this
what causes a positive to your honour
Honourable +1(Max +2)>Learning honourable in your Daimyo's skill tree
Tea Ceremony +1 honour/+10 to diplomatic relations>learn Tea Ceremony in the Chi Arts
Vassal +1 (Max +1 permanent for current Daimyo)>Convincing another clan to become your vassal.
Great victories +1>Daimyo winning a heroic victory
Polite Wife +1>Married to Daimyo
Rumors of Treason +1>If one of your general's loyalty drops low enough you might get the event to have him commit seppuku
The Misfortune Of Others +1>An event message will come up telling about another clan that has had a terrible harvest. If you choose to assist it costs -2500 from your treasury
Chinese Courtier +1 honour/+10 to diplomacy>Daimyo retainer
Meijin +1 honour/+1 command attacking on land>Daimyo retainer
Legendary Tea Master +1>Daimyo retainer
Yokozuna +1>Daimyo retainer
Haiku Poet +1>Daimyo retainer
Master Potter +1>Daimyo retainer
Negative loyalty factors
Upstart Sons -1>adopting a general, any existing sons get this
Upstart Generals -1(Max?)>recruit a new general prior recruited generals get this
Commission given to subordinate -1>granting a commission to a general, prior recruited generals without commissions get this.
Disinherited -1 to -3(Max -3)>switching your clan heir the original heir gets this.
Delusions of Grandeur -1 to -3(Max -3)>A general that is higher rank then your Daimyo(perhaps by a couple ranks)
Stripped of Commission -1>removing a commission you had previously given
Disloyal Tendencies -1>A general bribed over to your side will have this
Ambitious Wife -1>Married to General
Ambitious Mistress -1 loyalty/+1 command when attacking on land>Retainer
Over ambitious Mistress -1 loyalty/+5% to campaign movement range>Retainer
Positive loyalty factors
Polite wife +1>Married to general
Devoted +1>Trait gained
Loyal +1>Trait gained
Fanatically Loyal +1>Trait gained
Noh +1 loyalty for all generals>Learn Chi Art Noh
Commission +1>Granting a commission to one of your generals
Honourable +1(Max +2)>Learning honourable in your general's skill tree
Overseen by Metsuke +1(Max +3 if overseen by 3 metsuke) >Having a metsuke with your general outside of castletown
Adopted +1>adopting a general
Daimyo Honour +1(Max 4)>For every Daimyo honour above 2 your general gets this
Married Into Family +1>General marries Daimyos daughter
Bunraku Puppeteer +1>Retainer
Master Calligrapher +1>Retainer
Okamoto Kutushiro +1 loyalty/-1% to attrition losses>Retainer
Shimada Kumbei +1 loyalty/-1% to attrition losses>Retainer
Tips for getting loyalty:
Always use your generals in battles. Aside from the obvious benefits in battle, they gain experience for every victory, whether it was a tough battle or an easy auto-resolve. Even better, fight every battle using up to four separate generals in separate armies. Additional generals within the same army will gain much smaller experience; having them all separate gives each general 15XP. They all level up much faster.
In such circumstances, you will have both your starting general and daimyo getting maxed stars in as short as 50 turns.
After defeating armies leave a fraction of the routers to retreat so they can be finished them off via an easy auto-resolve which also gives 15XP. Two victories for every major army.
Generals have a skill tree that grants additional loyalty bonus. This goes on top of potential retainers along with your Daimyo honour.
Place generals into ships and let them fight battles. If you don't want them to get naval retainers, move them back on land once they are about one battle away from gaining a new level.